February 8, 2024

ADHD and how we can help

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural condition which causes challenges with attention and behavior. Whilst it is most commonly diagnosed in children, some will carry the difficulties of ADHD with them throughout their life and others may not receive a diagnosis until adulthood.

A diagnosis can help people understand why they struggle with certain aspects of life and enable them to take positive steps forward in managing their challenges. The causes of ADHD are not fully understood, and it’s thought that a combination of factors may be most likely. ADHD tends to run in families and genetics are believed to be a big factor. Certain studies have also shown differences in brain structure in individuals with ADHD. Finally, ADHD can be associated with things like premature birth and epilepsy.

Though there is no ‘cure’ for ADHD, the challenges experienced can be managed effectively and this can lead to a significant reduction in symptoms. It is important to note that the symptoms of ADHD can vary greatly from person to person, so a tailored treatment approach is essential.

Actions that can help

  1. Having some sort of planner, whether a physical booklet or app on your phone, can help you to keep organised and remember things which are often easily forgotten when you have ADHD.
  2. Keep small items together in a bowl or dish near the entrance to your home, helping you to find them when you need them and decreasing the likelihood they might get lost.
  3. Turn off distractions whilst at work. Mute your phone, only check your emails at certain times during the day - these small steps can make it easier to stay focussed.
  4. Exercise can help you channel extra energy and stimulate parts of your brain associated with ADHD.
  5. Make organisation a daily habit. Instead of thinking of it as tidying up, think of it as part of your approach to organisation - spending 10 minutes each day putting things where they belong.


Symptoms of ADHD usually fall into 2 categories: inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsiveness. The symptoms of adult ADHD differ from the standard ADHD symptoms in children. For example, symptoms of inattention are more prominent in adults and symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity are less obvious. The symptoms below are some of those seen in adults with ADHD.

  • Low ability to prioritise tasks or focus.
  • Low attention to detail.
  • Poor organisational skills.
  • Continually losing or misplacing things.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Difficulty keeping quiet, regularly speaking out of turn.
  • Swings in mood.
  • Extreme impatience.
  • Participating in high-risk activities with little regard for one’s own welfare - such as dangerous driving.


There are both medicinal and therapeutic treatments available for ADHD, and most recommended approaches will include a combination of both. A doctor or mental health professional will work with you to create a plan which suits you.

MedicationThere are different types of medication available which can help with specific symptoms of ADHD. They do not alleviate the issue entirely, but can aid concentration, reduce restlessness, help you feel calmer and more organised.

These medications can have side effects and your doctor can explain all of this to you if you decide to go down a medicative route.

TherapyCognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is often used in the treatment of ADHD, helping you to identify and modify routinely held thoughts and behaviours. This won’t necessarily make your symptoms disappear or even decrease in intensity, but can allow you to act in a more helpful way when they’re most prevalent.

ADHD - Five facts

  1. There is a reference to what is believed to be ADHD in a text from 450-350 BC.
  2. Men/boys are almost three times as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as women/girls.
  3. Around 4% of adults deal with ADHD on a daily basis.
  4. ADHD is not all about hyperactivity. Some individuals will struggle with inattention mostly.
  5. ADHD often co-occurs with other difficulties such as anxiety disorders and substance use issues.

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