February 6, 2024

Additional Experience: HelloSelf’s new series on mental health at work

We’re excited to announce our new content series Additional Experience, exploring how different professions can impact our mental health.

All jobs come with their own requirements and responsibilities - the majority of them being learned through the application and interview process. Far less advertised, are the challenges that a particular job, or career, can pose to our mental health and wellbeing.

In this series, we will be speaking to people from a whole host of different industries and sectors, examining the ‘additional experience’ that comes with certain lines of work. Participants will answer a handful of questions before our Clinical team provide an analysis into the answers given, offering psychological insight and tips that may help.

We are producing this series to highlight the challenges that those in certain professions face. We hope for this to be a useful resource for employers, HR representatives and managers in each respective fields, to further their understanding on topics that employees sometimes struggle to talk about.

If you are interested in taking part in this series, please contact hello@helloself.com for more information. It doesn’t matter what your profession is, we’d like to hear from a wide breadth of industries to create the most helpful resource series possible.

Our first pieces of content from this series will be released on our website and across our social media very soon. Be sure to follow us to receive all our content on becoming your best Self.

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